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Training for Parents, Teachers and everyone living and working with children

Nonviolent Communication and Conflict Resolution with Children

I offer a range of training courses, workshops and seminars on the topics of non-violent communication and conflict resolution with children, as well as attachment- and needs-oriented parenting and teaching.


In my courses, you will learn how to resolve conflict and disputes with your child calmly and confidently. I will help you to better understand your child and their behaviour. You will also learn to better understand and meet both your own needs and those of your child without going beyond your limits. Each course offer you the opportunity to not only get to know your child better, but also yourself and your needs, limits and boundaries, and to communicate your boundaries clearly and lovingly.


Your communication becomes clearer, more appreciative, compassionate and loving. You will break down prejudices and communicate in a non-judgmental way. You will no longer need pressure, punishment or rewards, to encourage your child to be more cooperative. Your everyday family life will become more harmonious.


I'll also show you how to better deal with your own feelings. You will learn how to understand the causes of challenging and stressful situations with your child and how to find solutions. This will allow you to remain calm and composed even under great stress.​​



My work:


  • Is an interdisciplinary approach that combines findings from psychotherapy & developmental psychology, attachment and brain research, neuroscience, adult education, coaching, as well as peace and conflict research and practice

  • Is based on many years of experience in professional and personal conflict resolution, non-violent communication and personal development and transformation

  • Is mindful of

    • Recognising children as full human beings

    • Seeing and respecting children in their uniqueness

    • Meeting children's needs

    • Ensuring that the children are cared for in a loving manner

    • Looking for the cause of our problems in the relationship and in dealing with our children in us and NOT in our children.


In general, I apply a combination of interactive and practice-oriented training, workshops and seminars to convey and practice content, knowledge and skills in combination with personal consultations (in person or online).


This offer is aimed at parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, family helpers, foster parents, school and nursery teachers, baby, toddler and youth group leaders, etc.



Who are my courses for? Sign up, if...

  • You want to understand your child and their behaviour better

  • You want to find a better way to deal with your own anger and your child's "tantrums"

  • You wonder if you are doing "everything right" in relation to your child

  • You want to do things differently from your parents

  • You no longer want to scold, punish, threaten or reward

  • You want more harmony, peace and serenity in everyday life with your children

  • You want to learn to treat your child with respect and love, no matter what they do

  • You want to solve a conflict or a specific challenge with your child

  • You generally want to learn how conflicts can be resolved calmly, constructively and sustainably

  • You want to build and maintain a strong lifelong bond and relationship with your child

  • You want to understand what your child can do when, based on the level of brain development

  • You want to better understand the network of relationships in your family

  • You no longer want to engage in power struggles with your child

  • You want to learn more about attachment and needs-oriented parenting and teaching

  • You want to learn the basics of Nonviolent Communication

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