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Scolding, punishment and violence are not only of no not leading to any positive results,  they are absolutely harmful - not only for the parent-child or teacher-child relationship, but also for the children's self-esteem and healthy development.


In everyday family life as well as in work contexts with children, it is natural for conflicts, arguments and fights to arise. And sometimes, those can push us to our limits. Especially if we don't know how to handle them or are confronted with our own arsing feelings of anger and rage.


Conflicts are are a natural part of human relationship and are as much a part of human coexistence as breathing air. They are not negative, on the contrary, they hold the potential for growth, progress and development - if we are able to address and resolve them without resorting to violence. 


My interactive lectures are about gaining an initial insight into how exactly this positive potential of conflicts and challenging situations can be used to strengthen to consolidate, deepen and strengthen the relationship with children. They will also show you how you can practise solving conflicts nonviolently with your child, no matter how old your child is.

Interactive talks and lectures on nonviolent communication and conflict resolution with children

Talks and lectures on nonviolen communication and conflict resolution with children and youth


Talks and lectures on nonviolen communication and conflict resolution with children and youth

For whom:

Parents, schools, kindergartens, midwife practices, baby groups, children's groups, sports groups and clubs, youth groups, church groups, and generally everyone interested.​



  • Understanding the consequences of yelling, punishment, and violence

  • Better understanding children's behaviour in stressful and challenging situations

  • Learning simple steps to lovingly accompany children through tantrums and strong feelings

  • Understanding the basics of nonviolent communication

  • Learning a simple conflict resolution model in five steps that even small children can use.


A talk tailored to your individual needs and priorities can be developed.

Online or in person

When and how long:

1.5-3 hours

Mornings, Afternoons, Evenings​



Upon request

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