In my interactive talks on Nonviolent Communication, I draw on Marshall Rosenberg's model of nonviolent communication, combined with attachment- and needs-oriented parenting and teaching. I explain the consequences of scolding, punishment and violence. You will learn what exactly violent communication is and how you can communicate empathetically, calmly and serenely - in any situation.
I will explain the basics of the 4 steps of Nonviolent Communication, adapted to communication with children and youth. You will learn how to understand your child and their behaviour better and how to support them and their development in the best way possible.
My talks are interactive. I invite you to ask questions and share your own cases. I give practical examples for solving seemingly entrenched situations and show alternative courses of action. Together, we look for ways to bring more peace, serenity and harmony into your everyday family and work life with children and youth.
Interactive Talks and Lectures
Nonviolent Communication and Conflict Resolution with Children
Who are these talks for:
Parents, teachers, schools, kindergartens, midwife practices, baby groups, toddler groups, children's groups, youth groups, sports groups and clubs, church groups, and generally everyone who is interested
Understanding the consequences of shouting, scolding, force, punishment and violence
Better understand the behaviour of children and youth in stressful and challenging situations
Learning simple steps to lovingly guide children and youth through "tantrums" and strong emotions
Understanding the basics of Nonviolent Communication
Learning a simple five-step conflict resolution model that even young children can apply
An individually adapted concept will be developed on request; individual priorities can be set.